Fujitsu has provided 3 documents to fix the known issues with student transcripts. They can be found in the counsellor folder and the clerical folder on the top left side of the page.
These documents apply to these scenarios:
1. Student transcript records with a final mark of W or WR receiving 2 or 4 credits.
2. Student transcript records that do not have a final mark are showing 2 or 4 credits.
3. Student transcript records populated with a final mark for courses still in session (full-year).
After applying these "fixes," if there still exists student(s) with an incomplete transcript (missing courses from prior school years) do the following:
1. For these students, if necessary, print the student transcript from the Ministry of Education school secure web (SSW) and provide this document to the student, AND
2. Contact Brad with the following details:
Student Legal Name (Last, First), PEN #, Ministry Course Code, Course Description (Title), Final Grade, Course Delivery School
In addition, when running diploma verification reports for some students, an error occurs. Fujitsu is aware of the issue and is actively looking for a solution.