• Welcome to the Kamloops/Thompson School District No. 73 support site for MyEducation BC. The resources here will help you navigate the Student Information System (SIS) in our district.

    The initial planning and implementation of MyEducation BC in School District No. 73 began in February 2014.  In September 2024, our District is entering our tenth full school year of utilizing this SIS.  We continue to look forward to rolling out additional features of MyEducationBC through the 2024-25 year.

    2024-2025 District Student Information Management Team:

    • Jake Schmidt, District Principal - Information Management & Analytics
    • Carla Granberg,  Manager - Data Infrastructure
    • Brad Epp, District Resource Teacher - SIS L1  bepp[@]sd73.bc.ca
    • Siobhan Lane, District Resource Teacher - SIS L1  slane[@]sd73.bc.ca

    MyED BC Production Weekly Maintenance Windows - Outages may be required

    Every Wednesday from 6:00 to 11:00 pm and every Sunday from 6:00 to 11:00 am. If outages are required, the Production environment will be unavailable during these windows.

Site news

Updated Support Hours (Feb - June 2025)

by MyEdBC Support Team -
The District L1 position (Brad and Siobhan) will be at their desks Monday and Friday all day (Siobhan) and 8:00 am -9:00 am Mon-Thurs, and all day Friday (Brad)
This schedule will be updated in April
Our priorities right now are Safe Arrival and Attendance, Staffing Changes, and Parent Accounts

Report Card

by MyEdBC Support Team -

Please use the following tips to help with report card writing

  1. Do not use the tab key when entering comments.  Use the spacebar.  Be consistent (tab key can generate spacing issues)
  2. If you have entered a comment and posted it but when you look at that course again the comment has "disappeared." Contact the SD73 MyEducation BC Team to determine if they can "push" the comment back into your gradebook.  Do not repeatedly post to fix the error.  It doesn't fix it.
  3. Review one students report card comment prior to moving forward, better to fix spacing once at the beginning than many times at the end. 

Report Card Tips and Tricks

by MyEdBC Support Team -

To have a smooth report card writing season I would like to remind everyone (and please remind your staff) of the following

  • To find the MyED BC website please go to the myed73.sd73.bc.ca website and click on the green words that link to the MyED BC Production website.  
  • If a person was to google MyED BC, they can at times link to the MyED BC test (login page says ASPEN SD TEST) website (this is not the right place to be).  
  • Once a person logs into MyED BC always check that it says production (the login page says MYED BC PROD).
  • If a staff member asks why their login is currently disabled, it is because they are trying to log into the SD TEST website, and we have removed access to this testing platform.
If the staff member has been completing their report cards in the SDTEST website, we will work with them to fix the problem, please have them contact the MyED Team through this email (myed73@sd73.bc.ca)

If the staff member has an error 505 , please have them refresh their browser and clear the cache (details on how to do this are on the MyED73 website (myed73.sd73.bc.ca).

A final note that these are not MyED BC problems, but they are obstacles that create stress when completing report cards.  Here are some reminders for you to help with some of these obstacles 

For Example 
  • Shut off your computer and allow it to reboot and refresh
  • Clear the cache history of your web browsers on a regular basis 
  • Installing important updates, 
  • Maintaining current anti-virus software, 
  • Maintaining Malware protection software

Thank you 

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