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2019 Summer Outage MyEdBC (Aug 10 - Aug 19)

2019 Summer Outage MyEdBC (Aug 10 - Aug 19)

by MyEd73 Support Team -
Number of replies: 0


The Summer Outage for MyEducationBC begins at 12 midnight Aug 09

MyEducationBC is back on line at 7 am Aug 19.

During the week Monday August 19 to  Friday August 23, access to MyEducationBC will be limited while the SD73 District L1 staff configure and prepare the software for the new school year.   

Your user account may be temporarily disabled during this period.  A message that says "Your account is expired" will pop if you try to log in.

Your patience and understanding during the start-up is appreciated.

During this interim period, you can log into SDTEST environment and view the data for your school, which still represents last year "2018-19" at this time.